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4 results matching these filters out of 56 total results.

Martin Hench series, book 3.
Picks and Shovels
by Cory Doctorow
Tor Books, . 400 pages.
crime, thriller
Started ; completed March 10, 2025.

Martin Hench series, book 2.
The Bezzle
by Cory Doctorow
Tor Books, . 230 pages.
crime, thriller
Started ; completed February 19, 2025.

Martin Hench series, book 1.
Red Team Blues
by Cory Doctorow
Tor Books, . 213 pages.
crime, mystery, thriller
Started ; completed February 4, 2023.

The Devil in the White City
by Erik Larson
Crown Publishers, . 447 pages.
crime, historical
Started ; completed October 24, 2021.