If Keith Sonderling truly wanted to “ensure we preserve our country’s core values”, he would not be placing libraries “in lockstep with this Administration” and ordering them to “focus on patriotism” or “promote American exceptionalism”.

Ministry of Truth shit.

(press release)

March 20, 2025
WASHINGTON – Deputy Secretary of Labor Keith E. Sonderling was sworn in as Acting Director of the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) today, after being appointed to the role by President Donald J. Trump. IMLS, an independent government agency, is the primary source of federal support for the nation's museums and libraries.

“It is an honor to be appointed by President Trump to lead this important organization in its mission to advance, support, and empower America’s museums and libraries, which stand as cornerstones of learning and culture in our society. I am committed to steering this organization in lockstep with this Administration to enhance efficiency and foster innovation. We will revitalize IMLS and restore focus on patriotism, ensuring we preserve our country’s core values, promote American exceptionalism and cultivate love of country in future generations,” said Acting Director Sonderling.

Sonderling was recently confirmed as Deputy Secretary of the Department of Labor, where he previously served as Acting and Deputy Administrator of the Wage and Hour Division. Most recently, he served as the Commissioner of the United States Equal Employment Opportunity from 2020-2024.
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