Activity tagged "privilege"


kind of incredible how many times Sam Bankman-Fried's veganism comes up in his sentencing submission and the attached letters of support

ah well your honor, i know he's committed one of the most massive financial crimes in history, but you see, he is a vegan

it's come up so often i just checked to see if maybe judge kaplan is a vegan?? (doesn't seem to be)

from a letter by effective altruist David Pearce: "here we have a person who (literally) wouldn't hurt a fly incarcerated in a place that wasn't built for folk with such soft hearts"

The second story I’d like to share with you relates to Sam Bankman-Fried’s ethical veganism. I don’t know whether you believe that vegans are noble idealists trying to make the world a kinder place – or just cranks who can get on one’s nerves! Either way, I’ve been impressed at how inside prison before, during, and after his trial, Sam Bankman-Fried has consistently stuck to his principles. (As a vegan, I would have weak-mindedly reverted to vegetarianism inside – just to survive.) So here we have a person who (literally) wouldn’t hurt a fly incarcerated in a place that wasn’t built for folk with such soft hearts.

he would for sure steal all the fly's money though