US prosecutors not mincing words in their reply to Ryan Salame’s filing, which they describe as a “shameless and self-serving attempt to renege on his guilty plea in the aftermath of his sentencing.”

They claim that the only representations made to Salame involved conclusions of investigations into his conduct, and they say that in a later meeting they explicitly told Salame’s lawyers that a guilty plea by Salame would not halt any investigations or prosecutions of his partner, Michelle Bond.

They also say that Salame’s attorneys (also attorneys for Bond) were aware of continuing investigations into her as far back as April 15, well before Salame’s sentencing. “It was only after the Court imposed a sentence far above the sentence sought by Salame that Salame now seeks to vacate [his plea].”

Finally, they slam Salame for his post-sentencing behavior — particularly his extensive tweeting — “which has demonstrated a complete lack of remorse and utter contempt for the justice system”. They cite a few of his tweets:

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