I wonder if Coinbase routinely calls up newsrooms to try to blackball people who criticize them, or if I'm just special
I wonder if Coinbase routinely calls up newsrooms to try to blackball people who criticize them, or if I'm just special
As an active federal contractor, Coinbase is prohibited from making political contributions, including to super PACs. This makes $50 million that they have contributed in violation of pay-to-play laws for contractors.
See my reporting on their previous violation, which is being reviewed by the FEC: https://www.citationneeded.news/coinbase-campaign-finance-violation/
Coinbase Chief Legal Officer Paul Grewal has responded to the news of the FEC complaint by suggesting I have some shadowy backers funding me.
He’s also complained that we accused Coinbase of having partisan bias in who they support, something we did not allege or imply. We single out the donation to the Congressional Leadership Fund and not its Democratic equivalent because only the former happened within the prohibited period.
These are the contributions at issue. Those highlighted in yellow were made during the prohibited time period (March 4, 2024–present).
The blue ones are the ones he claims to be upset we didn’t mention. They were made more than two months before the US Marshals published the contract that Coinbase would later apply for and win.
(Note: that third, $100 contribution highlighted in yellow seems to be a permitted contribution made by an individual employee that has just been misattributed to Coinbase in the FEC data).
Last week, Public Citizen ’s Rick Claypool and I filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission based on my research into apparent campaign finance violations by the Coinbase cryptocurrency exchange.
Read the full complaint and my updated article.
Coinbase has tried to portray its “Stand With Crypto” PAC as having broad grassroots support among over a million “crypto advocates”, and boasts on its homepage of nearly $180 million raised by these advocates.
Its first quarterly FEC filing reveals it has had only $13,690 in contributions from seven people over the most recent three-month period. Two of them work for Stand With Crypto and two of them work for Coinbase.
After my reporting about the falsified donations amount on the Stand With Crypto homepage, the PAC added a tooltip that acknowledges that $177.8 million of the “donations by crypto advocates” are actually the multi million dollar donations by a handful of big crypto companies and their executives.
However, they still claim that $1.48 million was raised by Stand With Crypto itself. Either they've raised 99% of their funds in the last 19 days, or they’re doing more funny business with the numbers they’re claiming.
Coinbase's "Stand With Crypto" PAC website is now confirming what I reported earlier.
More than 99% of the amount they claimed was raised by this supposedly "grassroots" PAC is in fact massive corporate contributions to the FairShake super PAC.
Coinbase’s “Stand With Crypto” PAC claims to have raised $87 million, but their donations list totals up to only $1,176,900. They seem to be double-counting corporate contributions to super PACs to overstate how much their “community” supports this supposedly grassroots project.
The list trails off at donations of $44.67, so there could be additional smaller donations not shown on the page, but not more than $85 million’s worth.
The Stand With Crypto PAC was registered just days after the April quarterly filing deadline, so they have not yet had to file any receipts with the FEC.